{-# OPTIONS --without-K  --rewriting #-}

module Pi.Syntax.Pi^Helpers where

open import HoTT hiding (_++_) renaming (_+_ to _++_)

open import Pi.Syntax.Pi^ as Pi^
open import Pi.Common.Extra

    n m o p : 
    c c₁ c₂ : n ⟷₁^ m

-- NOTE: This file builds the symmetric monoidal structure of Pi^ using the minimal PROP equations. To prove each
-- equation, we need to do an induction on the appropriate combinator or cardinality, to get each derived combinator to
-- reduce. Naturality is proved by composing naturality of adjacent swaps.

++^-id : (n == m)  n ⟷₁^ m
++^-id p = transport  n  _ ⟷₁^ n) p id⟷₁^

-- ++^-id {O} {O} p = id⟷₁^
-- ++^-id {S n} {S m} p = ⊕^ (++^-id (ℕ-S-is-inj n m p))

++^-l : {n m o : }  (n ⟷₁^ m)  (o ++ n) ⟷₁^ (o ++ m)
++^-l {o = O} c = c
++^-l {o = S o} c = ⊕^ ++^-l c

++^-l-id : ++^-l {n} {n} {o} (id⟷₁^ {n}) ⟷₂^ id⟷₁^ {o ++ n}
++^-l-id {n} {O} = id⟷₂^
++^-l-id {n} {S o} = resp⊕⟷₂ ++^-l-id ■^ ⊕id⟷₁⟷₂^

++^-bigswap : {n m : }  (n ⟷₁^ m)  (2 ++ n) ⟷₁^ (2 ++ m)
++^-bigswap c = swap₊^ ◎^ ⊕^ ⊕^ c

-- alternate but equivalent definition
++^-bigswap' : {n m : }  (n ⟷₁^ m)  (2 ++ n) ⟷₁^ (2 ++ m)
++^-bigswap' swap₊^ = swap₊^ ◎^ ⊕^ ⊕^ swap₊^
++^-bigswap' id⟷₁^ = swap₊^
++^-bigswap' (c ◎^ c₁) = ++^-bigswap' c ◎^ (⊕^ (⊕^ c₁))
++^-bigswap' (⊕^ c) = swap₊^ ◎^ ⊕^ (⊕^ (⊕^ c))

++^-bigswap-η : {n m : }  (c : n ⟷₁^ m)  ++^-bigswap' c ⟷₂^ ++^-bigswap c
++^-bigswap-η swap₊^ = id⟷₂^
++^-bigswap-η id⟷₁^ = idr◎r^ ■^ (id⟷₂^ ⊡^ (!⊕id⟷₁⟷₂^ ■^ resp⊕⟷₂ !⊕id⟷₁⟷₂^))
++^-bigswap-η (c ◎^ c₁) = 
  let r = ++^-bigswap-η c
  in  (r ⊡^ id⟷₂^) ■^ assoc◎r^ ■^ (id⟷₂^ ⊡^ (hom◎⊕⟷₂^ ■^ resp⊕⟷₂ hom◎⊕⟷₂^))
++^-bigswap-η (⊕^ c) = id⟷₂^

++^-l-! : {o : }  (++^-l {o = o} (!⟷₁^ c)) ⟷₂^ !⟷₁^ (++^-l {o = o} c)
++^-l-! {o = O} = id⟷₂^
++^-l-! {o = S o} = resp⊕⟷₂ (++^-l-! {o = o})

++^-r : {n m o : }  (n ⟷₁^ m)  (n ++ o) ⟷₁^ (m ++ o)
++^-r swap₊^ = swap₊^
++^-r id⟷₁^ = id⟷₁^
++^-r (c₁ ◎^ c₂) = ++^-r c₁ ◎^ ++^-r c₂
++^-r (⊕^ c) = ⊕^ (++^-r c)

++^-r-! : {o : }  (++^-r {o = o} (!⟷₁^ c)) ⟷₂^ !⟷₁^ (++^-r {o = o} c)
++^-r-! {c = swap₊^} = id⟷₂^
++^-r-! {c = id⟷₁^} = id⟷₂^
++^-r-! {c = c ◎^ c₁} = ++^-r-! ⊡^ ++^-r-!
++^-r-! {c = ⊕^ c} = resp⊕⟷₂ ++^-r-!

++^-r⟷₂ : {o : }  (c₁ ⟷₂^ c₂)  (++^-r {o = o} c₁) ⟷₂^ ++^-r {o = o} c₂
++^-r⟷₂ assoc◎l^ = assoc◎l^
++^-r⟷₂ assoc◎r^ = assoc◎r^
++^-r⟷₂ idl◎l^ = idl◎l^
++^-r⟷₂ idl◎r^ = idl◎r^
++^-r⟷₂ idr◎l^ = idr◎l^
++^-r⟷₂ idr◎r^ = idr◎r^
++^-r⟷₂ linv◎l^ = (id⟷₂^ ⊡^ ++^-r-!) ■^ linv◎l^
++^-r⟷₂ linv◎r^ = !⟷₂^ ((id⟷₂^ ⊡^ ++^-r-!) ■^ linv◎l^)
++^-r⟷₂ rinv◎l^ = (++^-r-! ⊡^ id⟷₂^) ■^ rinv◎l^
++^-r⟷₂ rinv◎r^ = !⟷₂^ ((++^-r-! ⊡^ id⟷₂^) ■^ rinv◎l^)
++^-r⟷₂ id⟷₂^ = id⟷₂^
++^-r⟷₂ (α ■^ α₁) = ++^-r⟷₂ α ■^ ++^-r⟷₂ α₁
++^-r⟷₂ (α ⊡^ α₁) = ++^-r⟷₂ α ⊡^ ++^-r⟷₂ α₁
++^-r⟷₂ ⊕id⟷₁⟷₂^ = ⊕id⟷₁⟷₂^
++^-r⟷₂ !⊕id⟷₁⟷₂^ = !⊕id⟷₁⟷₂^
++^-r⟷₂ hom◎⊕⟷₂^ = hom◎⊕⟷₂^
++^-r⟷₂ (resp⊕⟷₂ α) = resp⊕⟷₂ (++^-r⟷₂ α)
++^-r⟷₂ hom⊕◎⟷₂^ = hom⊕◎⟷₂^
++^-r⟷₂ swapr₊⟷₂^ = swapr₊⟷₂^
++^-r⟷₂ swapl₊⟷₂^ = swapl₊⟷₂^
++^-r⟷₂ hexagonl₊l = hexagonl₊l
++^-r⟷₂ hexagonl₊r = hexagonl₊r

++^-unit-l : (n : )  O ++ n ⟷₁^ n
++^-unit-l n = id⟷₁^

++^-unit-r : (n : )  n ++ O ⟷₁^ n
++^-unit-r O = id⟷₁^
++^-unit-r (S n) = ⊕^ (++^-unit-r n)

++^-assoc : (n m o : )  (n ++ m) ++ o ⟷₁^ n ++ (m ++ o)
++^-assoc O m o = id⟷₁^
++^-assoc (S n) m o = ⊕^ ++^-assoc n m o

++^-cons : (n : )  (S n) ⟷₁^ (n ++ 1)
++^-cons O = id⟷₁^
++^-cons (S n) = swap₊^ ◎^ (⊕^ (++^-cons n))

++^-swap : (n m : )  (n ++ m) ⟷₁^ (m ++ n)
++^-swap O m = !⟷₁^ (++^-unit-r m)
++^-swap (S n) m = (⊕^ ++^-swap n m)
                 ◎^ ++^-cons (m ++ n)
                 ◎^ ++^-assoc m n 1
                 ◎^ !⟷₁^ (++^-l (++^-cons n))

++^-swap-0 : (n : )  (++^-swap n 0) ⟷₂^ !⟷₁^ (++^-swap 0 n)
++^-swap-0 O = id⟷₂^
++^-swap-0 (S n) =
  let r = ++^-swap-0 n
  in  ((resp⊕⟷₂ r) ⊡^ id⟷₂^) ■^
      ((id⟷₂^ ⊡^ (id⟷₂^ ⊡^ idl◎l^)) ■^
      ((id⟷₂^ ⊡^ linv◎l^) ■^

++^-⊕ : {n m o p : }  (n ⟷₁^ m)  (o ⟷₁^ p)  (n ++ o) ⟷₁^ (m ++ p)
++^-⊕ {_} {m} {o} (swap₊^ {n = n}) c₂ =
        let r = ++^-⊕ (id⟷₁^ {n}) c₂
        in  ++^-bigswap (++^-⊕ (id⟷₁^ {n}) c₂)
++^-⊕ {O} id⟷₁^ c₂ = c₂
++^-⊕ {S n} id⟷₁^ c₂ = ⊕^ (++^-⊕ {n} id⟷₁^ c₂)
++^-⊕ (c₁ ◎^ c₃) c₂ = (++^-⊕ c₁ c₂) ◎^ ++^-⊕ c₃ id⟷₁^
++^-⊕ (⊕^ c₁) c₂ = ⊕^ (++^-⊕ c₁ c₂)

++^-⊕-id-l : (c : n ⟷₁^ m)  (++^-⊕ (id⟷₁^ {n = o}) c) ⟷₂^ (++^-l {o = o} c)
++^-⊕-id-l {o = O} c = id⟷₂^
++^-⊕-id-l {o = S o} c = resp⊕⟷₂ (++^-⊕-id-l {o = o} c)

++^-⊕-id-r : {n m o : }  (c : n ⟷₁^ m)  (++^-⊕ c (id⟷₁^ {o})) ⟷₂^ ++^-r c
++^-⊕-id-r (swap₊^ {O}) = !⟷₂^ (idr◎r^ ■^ (id⟷₂^ ⊡^ (!⊕id⟷₁⟷₂^ ■^ resp⊕⟷₂ !⊕id⟷₁⟷₂^)))
++^-⊕-id-r {S (S (S n))} {m} {o} (swap₊^ {S n}) =
  _ ⟷₂^⟨ (id⟷₂^ ⊡^ resp⊕⟷₂ (resp⊕⟷₂ (resp⊕⟷₂ (++^-⊕-id-l (id⟷₁^ {o}))))) 
  _ ⟷₂^⟨ (id⟷₂^ ⊡^ resp⊕⟷₂ (resp⊕⟷₂ (resp⊕⟷₂ ++^-l-id))) 
  _ ⟷₂^⟨ id⟷₂^ ⊡^ resp⊕⟷₂ (resp⊕⟷₂ (⊕id⟷₁⟷₂^)) 
  _ ⟷₂^⟨ id⟷₂^ ⊡^ resp⊕⟷₂ (⊕id⟷₁⟷₂^) 
  _ ⟷₂^⟨ id⟷₂^ ⊡^ ⊕id⟷₁⟷₂^ 
  _ ⟷₂^⟨ idr◎l^ 
  _ ⟷₂^∎

++^-⊕-id-r {O} id⟷₁^ = id⟷₂^
++^-⊕-id-r {S n} id⟷₁^ = resp⊕⟷₂ (++^-⊕-id-r {n} id⟷₁^) ■^ ⊕id⟷₁⟷₂^
++^-⊕-id-r (c₁ ◎^ c₂) = ++^-⊕-id-r c₁ ⊡^ ++^-⊕-id-r c₂
++^-⊕-id-r (⊕^ c) = resp⊕⟷₂ (++^-⊕-id-r c)

++^-⊕-! : {n m o p : }  (c₁ : n ⟷₁^ m) (c₂ : o ⟷₁^ p)
         (++^-⊕ (!⟷₁^ c₁) (!⟷₁^ c₂)) ⟷₂^ (!⟷₁^ (++^-⊕ c₁ c₂))
++^-⊕-! swap₊^ c₂ = TODO- -- compute the ! on ++^-r and use swapl₊⟷₂
++^-⊕-! id⟷₁^ c₂ =
  ++^-⊕-id-l (!⟷₁^ c₂) ■^
  (++^-l-! {c = c₂} ■^ resp!⟷₂ (!⟷₂^ (++^-⊕-id-l c₂)))
++^-⊕-! (c₁ ◎^ c₃) c₂ =
  (++^-⊕-! c₃ c₂ ⊡^ ++^-⊕-id-r (!⟷₁^ c₁)) ■^
  (id⟷₂^ ⊡^ ++^-r-!) ■^
  TODO- -- reduce ++^-r to ++^-r and ++^-l
++^-⊕-! (⊕^ c₁) c₂ = resp⊕⟷₂ (++^-⊕-! c₁ c₂)

++^-⊕-◎-l : {n m o p : } {c₁ c₂ : n ⟷₁^ m} {c₃ : o ⟷₁^ p} (α : c₁ ⟷₂^ c₂)
           (++^-⊕ c₁ c₃) ⟷₂^ (++^-⊕ c₂ c₃)
++^-⊕-◎-l α = TODO- -- reduce ++^ to ++^-l and ++^-r using ++^-⊕-l-r and use ++^-r⟷₂

++^-⊕-◎-r : {n m o p : }  {c₁ : n ⟷₁^ m} {c₂ c₃ : o ⟷₁^ p} (α : c₂ ⟷₂^ c₃)
           (++^-⊕ c₁ c₂) ⟷₂^ (++^-⊕ c₁ c₃)
++^-⊕-◎-r α = TODO- -- reduce ++^ to ++^-l and ++^-r using ++^-⊕-l-r and use ++^-l⟷₂

++^-⊕-◎ : {n m o p : }  {c₁ c₂ : n ⟷₁^ m} {c₃ c₄ : o ⟷₁^ p} (α : c₁ ⟷₂^ c₂) (β : c₃ ⟷₂^ c₄)
         (++^-⊕ c₁ c₃) ⟷₂^ (++^-⊕ c₂ c₄)
++^-⊕-◎ α = TODO- -- composition of the lemmas above

++^-triangle : (n m : )
              (++^-assoc n O m) ◎^ ++^-l (++^-unit-l m) ⟷₂^ ++^-r (++^-unit-r n)
++^-triangle O m = idl◎l^
++^-triangle (S n) m = hom◎⊕⟷₂^ ■^ resp⊕⟷₂ (++^-triangle n m)

++^-pentagon : (n m o p : )
              (++^-assoc (n ++ m) o p) ◎^ ++^-assoc n m (o ++ p) ⟷₂^
               ++^-r (++^-assoc n m o) ◎^ ++^-assoc n (m ++ o) p ◎^ ++^-l {o = n} (++^-assoc m o p)
++^-pentagon O m o p = idr◎r^ □^ idl◎l^ □^ idr◎r^ □^ idl◎l^ □^ (idr◎l^ ■^ (idr◎l^ ■^ idr◎l^))
++^-pentagon (S n) m o p =
  hom◎⊕⟷₂^ ■^ (resp⊕⟷₂ (++^-pentagon n m o p) ■^
  ((!⟷₂^ hom◎⊕⟷₂^) ■^ (id⟷₂^ ⊡^ hom⊕◎⟷₂^)))

++^-cons-assoc : (n m : )  ++^-r {o = m} (++^-cons n) ◎^ ++^-assoc n 1 m ⟷₂^ ++^-cons (n ++ m) ◎^ ++^-assoc n m 1 ◎^ !⟷₁^ (++^-l {o = n} (++^-cons m))
++^-cons-assoc O m = TODO- -- reduce both sides to id⟷₁^
++^-cons-assoc (S n) m = TODO- -- recursive call and naturality of swap₊^

++^-cons-S : (n m : )  S (n ++ m) ⟷₁^ n ++ S m
++^-cons-S O m = id⟷₁^
++^-cons-S (S n) m = ⊕^ ++^-cons-S n m

-- Note: do not generalize the generator of 2-combinators
-- It's extremely easy to prove this lemma
-- But proving the soundness of it as a constructor is quite difficult
swapr₊⟷₂^-gen : {n m : }  (c : n ⟷₁^ m)  ((⊕^ ⊕^ c) ◎^ swap₊^) ⟷₂^ (swap₊^ ◎^ ⊕^ ⊕^ c)
swapr₊⟷₂^-gen c with (⟷₁^-eq-size c)
... | idp = swapr₊⟷₂^

-- ++^-swap is defined by induction on the left paramter
-- here, we show how it behaves by induction on the right parameter
++^-swap-S : (n m : )  ++^-swap n (S m) ⟷₂^ !⟷₁^ (++^-assoc n 1 m) ◎^ (++^-r (!⟷₁^ (++^-cons n))) ◎^ (⊕^ (++^-swap n m))
++^-swap-S O m = idl◎r^ ■^ idl◎r^
++^-swap-S (S n) m =
    let r = ++^-swap-S n m
    in  _ ◎^ (_ ◎^ ⊕^ _) ◎^ (⊕^ _) ◎^ ⊕^ _ ⟷₂^⟨ assoc◎l^ ■^ (assoc◎l^ ⊡^ id⟷₂^) ■^ assoc◎r^ 
        (_ ◎^ _) ◎^ ((⊕^ _) ◎^ (⊕^ _) ◎^ ⊕^ _) ⟷₂^⟨ id⟷₂^ ⊡^ (id⟷₂^ ⊡^ hom◎⊕⟷₂^) 
        _ ⟷₂^⟨ id⟷₂^ ⊡^ hom◎⊕⟷₂^ 
        (_ ◎^ _) ◎^ ⊕^ (_ ◎^ _ ◎^ _) ⟷₂^⟨ (resp⊕⟷₂ r ⊡^ id⟷₂^) ⊡^ id⟷₂^ 
        _ ⟷₂^⟨ (hom⊕◎⟷₂^ ⊡^ id⟷₂^) ⊡^ id⟷₂^ 
        _ ⟷₂^⟨ assoc◎r^ ⊡^ id⟷₂^ 
        _ ⟷₂^⟨ (id⟷₂^ ⊡^ (hom⊕◎⟷₂^ ⊡^ id⟷₂^)) ⊡^ id⟷₂^ 
        _ ⟷₂^⟨ (id⟷₂^ ⊡^ assoc◎r^) ⊡^ id⟷₂^ 
        _ ⟷₂^⟨ (id⟷₂^ ⊡^ (id⟷₂^ ⊡^ swapr₊⟷₂^-gen _)) ⊡^ id⟷₂^ 
        _ ⟷₂^⟨ (id⟷₂^ ⊡^ assoc◎l^) ⊡^ id⟷₂^ 
        _ ⟷₂^⟨ assoc◎l^ ⊡^ id⟷₂^ 
        _ ⟷₂^⟨ assoc◎r^ 
        (_ ◎^ _) ◎^ (⊕^ _) ◎^ (⊕^ _) ⟷₂^⟨ id⟷₂^ ⊡^ hom◎⊕⟷₂^ 
        (_ ◎^ _) ◎^ ⊕^ (_ ◎^ _) ⟷₂^⟨ assoc◎r^ 
        _ ◎^ _ ◎^ ⊕^ _ ⟷₂^∎

++^-hexagon : (n m o : )
             (++^-assoc n m o) ◎^ ++^-swap n (m ++ o) ◎^ ++^-assoc m o n ⟷₂^
              ++^-r {o = o} (++^-swap n m) ◎^ ++^-assoc m n o ◎^ ++^-l {o = m} (++^-swap n o)
++^-hexagon O m o = TODO- -- reduce to ++^-unit-l and use triangle coherence
++^-hexagon (S n) m o =
  let r = ++^-hexagon n m o
      c₁ = ⊕^ ++^-swap n (m ++ o)
      c₂ = ++^-⊕ (++^-cons (m ++ o)) (id⟷₁^ {n})
      c = c₁ ◎^ c₂
      d₁ = ++^-⊕ (++^-swap (S n) m) (id⟷₁^ {o})
      d₂ = ++^-⊕ (id⟷₁^ {m}) (++^-swap (S n) o)
      d = d₁ ◎^ ++^-assoc m (S n) o ◎^ d₂
  in  _ ◎^ ((_ ◎^ (_ ◎^ (_ ◎^ _))) ◎^ _)  ⟷₂^⟨ id⟷₂^ ⊡^ assoc◎r^ 
      _ ◎^ (_ ◎^ (_ ◎^ (_ ◎^ _)) ◎^ _) ⟷₂^⟨ assoc◎l^ 
      (_ ◎^ _) ◎^ ((_ ◎^ (_ ◎^ _)) ◎^ _) ⟷₂^⟨ idr◎r^ ⊡^ id⟷₂^ 
      ((_ ◎^ _ ) ◎^ id⟷₁^) ◎^ ((_ ◎^ (_ ◎^ _)) ◎^ _) ⟷₂^⟨ (id⟷₂^ ⊡^ linv◎r^ {c = ⊕^ (++^-assoc m o n)}) ⊡^ id⟷₂^ 
      ((_ ◎^ _ ) ◎^ (_ ◎^ _)) ◎^ ((_ ◎^ (_ ◎^ _)) ◎^ _) ⟷₂^⟨ (hom◎⊕⟷₂^ ⊡^ hom◎⊕⟷₂^) ⊡^ id⟷₂^ 
      ((⊕^ (_ ◎^ _ )) ◎^ (⊕^ (_ ◎^ _))) ◎^ ((_ ◎^ (_ ◎^ _)) ◎^ _) ⟷₂^⟨ hom◎⊕⟷₂^ ⊡^ id⟷₂^ 
      (⊕^ ((_ ◎^ _ ) ◎^ (_ ◎^ _))) ◎^ ((_ ◎^ (_ ◎^ _)) ◎^ _) ⟷₂^⟨ resp⊕⟷₂ assoc◎l^ ⊡^ id⟷₂^ 
      (⊕^ (((_ ◎^ _ ) ◎^ _) ◎^ _)) ◎^ ((_ ◎^ (_ ◎^ _)) ◎^ _) ⟷₂^⟨ (resp⊕⟷₂ (assoc◎r^ ⊡^ id⟷₂^)) ⊡^ id⟷₂^ 
      (⊕^ ((_ ◎^ (_ ◎^ _)) ◎^ _)) ◎^ ((_ ◎^ (_ ◎^ _)) ◎^ _) ⟷₂^⟨ resp⊕⟷₂ (++^-hexagon n m o ⊡^ id⟷₂^) ⊡^ id⟷₂^ 
      _ ⟷₂^⟨ TODO!  -- proved on paper
      _ ⟷₂^∎

++^-swap-unit : (n : )  !⟷₁^ (++^-unit-r n) ◎^ ++^-swap n 0 ⟷₂^ id⟷₁^
++^-swap-unit O = idl◎l^
++^-swap-unit (S n) =
  assoc◎l^ ■^
  ((!⟷₂^ hom⊕◎⟷₂^ ⊡^ (assoc◎l^ ■^ ((idr◎l^ ⊡^ id⟷₂^) ■^ linv◎l^))) ■^
    (idr◎l^ ■^ !⟷₂^ (!⊕id⟷₁⟷₂^ ■^ resp⊕⟷₂ (!⟷₂^ (++^-swap-unit n)))))

++^-unit-swap : (n : )  ++^-swap n 0 ◎^ !⟷₁^ (++^-unit-r n) ⟷₂^ id⟷₁^
++^-unit-swap O = idl◎l^
++^-unit-swap (S n) = assoc◎r^ ■^ ((((id⟷₂^ ⊡^ (((id⟷₂^ ⊡^ idl◎l^) ■^ linv◎l^) ⊡^ id⟷₂^)) ■^
        (id⟷₂^ ⊡^ idl◎l^)) ■^ hom◎⊕⟷₂^) ■^ resp⊕⟷₂ id⟷₂^) ■^ !⟷₂^ (!⊕id⟷₁⟷₂^ ■^ resp⊕⟷₂ (!⟷₂^ (++^-unit-swap n)))

++^-symm-O : (n : )  ++^-swap O n ◎^ ++^-swap n O ⟷₂^ id⟷₁^
++^-symm-O O = idl◎l^
++^-symm-O (S n) = ++^-swap-unit (S n)

++^-swap-S-assoc : (n m : )
                  ++^-swap (S n) m  ◎^ ++^-l {o = m} (++^-swap 1 n)  ⟷₂^
                   (⊕^ ++^-swap n m) ◎^ ++^-swap 1 (m ++ n) ◎^ (++^-assoc m n 1)
++^-swap-S-assoc n m = TODO! -- reduce ++^-swap by induction and use naturality

-- ++-cons (m ++ n) in terms of ++-cons m and ++-cons n
++^-cons-++ : (n m : ) 
        (((++^-cons (m ++ n) ◎^  ++^-assoc m n 1 ◎^ !⟷₁^ (++^-l (++^-cons n)))
          ◎^ !⟷₁^ (++^-assoc m 1 n))
          ◎^ ++^-r (!⟷₁^ (++^-cons m)))
        ⟷₂^ id⟷₁^
++^-cons-++ n m = TODO! -- provable from ++^-cons-assoc

++^-symm : (n m : )  ++^-swap n m ◎^ ++^-swap m n ⟷₂^ id⟷₁^
++^-symm O m = ++^-symm-O m
++^-symm (S n) m =
    let r = ++^-symm n m
    in  _ ⟷₂^⟨ assoc◎r^ 
        _ ⟷₂^⟨ id⟷₂^ ⊡^ (id⟷₂^ ⊡^ ++^-swap-S m n) 
        _ ⟷₂^⟨ id⟷₂^ ⊡^ (assoc◎l^ ■^ assoc◎l^) 
        _ ⟷₂^⟨ id⟷₂^ ⊡^ (++^-cons-++ n m ⊡^ id⟷₂^) 
        _ ⟷₂^⟨ id⟷₂^ ⊡^ idl◎l^ 
        _ ⟷₂^⟨ hom◎⊕⟷₂^ 
        _ ⟷₂^⟨ resp⊕⟷₂ r 
        _ ⟷₂^⟨ ⊕id⟷₁⟷₂^ 
        _ ⟷₂^∎