{-# OPTIONS --without-K  --rewriting #-}

module Pi.Syntax.Pi^ where

open import lib.Base
open import lib.NType
open import lib.NType2
open import lib.types.Sigma
open import lib.PathOver

open import lib.PathGroupoid

open import lib.Equivalence
import lib.types.Nat as N

open import Pi.Common.Extra
open import Pi.Common.Misc

      m n o p q r : 

-- Types

      t t₁ t₂ t₃ t₄ t₅ t₆ : 

infix 30 _⟷₁^_
infixr 50 _◎^_ ⊕^_
infixr 50 _■^_ _□^_

ℕ-p : {n : } -> (p : n == n) -> p == idp
ℕ-p p = (prop-has-all-paths {{has-level-apply N.ℕ-level _ _}} p idp)

-- 1-combinators

data _⟷₁^_  :     Type₀ where
  swap₊^   : (S (S n)) ⟷₁^ (S (S n))
  id⟷₁^    : n ⟷₁^ n
  _◎^_     : (n ⟷₁^ m)  (m ⟷₁^ o)  (n ⟷₁^ o)
  ⊕^_      : (n ⟷₁^ m)  ((S n) ⟷₁^ (S m))

!⟷₁^ : t₁ ⟷₁^ t₂  t₂ ⟷₁^ t₁
!⟷₁^ swap₊^ = swap₊^
!⟷₁^ id⟷₁^ = id⟷₁^
!⟷₁^ (c₁ ◎^ c₂) = !⟷₁^ c₂ ◎^ !⟷₁^ c₁
!⟷₁^ (⊕^ c₁) = ⊕^ (!⟷₁^ c₁)

⟷₁^-eq-size : (n ⟷₁^ m) -> n == m
⟷₁^-eq-size swap₊^ = idp
⟷₁^-eq-size id⟷₁^ = idp
⟷₁^-eq-size (c₁ ◎^ c₂) = ⟷₁^-eq-size c₁  ⟷₁^-eq-size c₂
⟷₁^-eq-size (⊕^ c) = ap S (⟷₁^-eq-size c)

    ⟷₁^-eq-size-rewrite : {c : t ⟷₁^ t}  (⟷₁^-eq-size c)  idp -- because proof of == in ℕ
    {-# REWRITE ⟷₁^-eq-size-rewrite #-}

data _⟷₂^_ : n ⟷₁^ m  n ⟷₁^ m  Set where
  assoc◎l^ : {c₁ : t₁ ⟷₁^ t₂} {c₂ : t₂ ⟷₁^ t₃} {c₃ : t₃ ⟷₁^ t₄} 
          (c₁ ◎^ (c₂ ◎^ c₃)) ⟷₂^ ((c₁ ◎^ c₂) ◎^ c₃)
  assoc◎r^ : {c₁ : t₁ ⟷₁^ t₂} {c₂ : t₂ ⟷₁^ t₃} {c₃ : t₃ ⟷₁^ t₄} 
          ((c₁ ◎^ c₂) ◎^ c₃) ⟷₂^ (c₁ ◎^ (c₂ ◎^ c₃))
  idl◎l^   : {c : t₁ ⟷₁^ t₂}  (id⟷₁^ ◎^ c) ⟷₂^ c
  idl◎r^   : {c : t₁ ⟷₁^ t₂}  c ⟷₂^ id⟷₁^ ◎^ c
  idr◎l^   : {c : t₁ ⟷₁^ t₂}  (c ◎^ id⟷₁^) ⟷₂^ c
  idr◎r^   : {c : t₁ ⟷₁^ t₂}  c ⟷₂^ (c ◎^ id⟷₁^)
  linv◎l^  : {c : t₁ ⟷₁^ t₂}  (c ◎^ !⟷₁^ c) ⟷₂^ id⟷₁^
  linv◎r^  : {c : t₁ ⟷₁^ t₂}  id⟷₁^ ⟷₂^ (c ◎^ !⟷₁^ c)
  rinv◎l^  : {c : t₁ ⟷₁^ t₂}  (!⟷₁^ c ◎^ c) ⟷₂^ id⟷₁^
  rinv◎r^  : {c : t₁ ⟷₁^ t₂}  id⟷₁^ ⟷₂^ (!⟷₁^ c ◎^ c)
  id⟷₂^     : {c : t₁ ⟷₁^ t₂}  c ⟷₂^ c
  _■^_ : {c₁ c₂ c₃ : t₁ ⟷₁^ t₂} 
         (c₁ ⟷₂^ c₂)  (c₂ ⟷₂^ c₃)  (c₁ ⟷₂^ c₃)
  _⊡^_ : {c₁ : t₁ ⟷₁^ t₂} {c₂ : t₂ ⟷₁^ t₃} {c₃ : t₁ ⟷₁^ t₂} {c₄ : t₂ ⟷₁^ t₃} 
         (c₁ ⟷₂^ c₃)  (c₂ ⟷₂^ c₄)  (c₁ ◎^ c₂) ⟷₂^ (c₃ ◎^ c₄)
  -- New ones
  ⊕id⟷₁⟷₂^ : ⊕^ id⟷₁^ {n =  n} ⟷₂^ id⟷₁^ {n =  (S n)}
  !⊕id⟷₁⟷₂^ : id⟷₁^ {n =  (S n)} ⟷₂^ ⊕^ id⟷₁^ {n =  n}
  hom◎⊕⟷₂^ : {c₁ : (n) ⟷₁^ (m)} {c₂ : (m) ⟷₁^ (o)} 
         ((⊕^ c₁) ◎^ (⊕^ c₂)) ⟷₂^ ⊕^ (c₁ ◎^ c₂)
  resp⊕⟷₂  :
         {c₁ : (n) ⟷₁^ (m)} {c₂ : (n) ⟷₁^ (m)}  (c₁ ⟷₂^ c₂)  (⊕^ c₁) ⟷₂^ (⊕^ c₂)
  hom⊕◎⟷₂^ : {c₁ : (n) ⟷₁^ (m)} {c₂ : (m) ⟷₁^ (o)} 
         ⊕^ (c₁ ◎^ c₂) ⟷₂^ ((⊕^ c₁) ◎^ (⊕^ c₂))

  swapr₊⟷₂^ : {c : (n) ⟷₁^ (m)}
     (⊕^ (⊕^ c)) ◎^ swap₊^ ⟷₂^ swap₊^ ◎^ (⊕^ (⊕^ c))
  swapl₊⟷₂^ : {c : (n) ⟷₁^ (m)}
     swap₊^ ◎^ (⊕^ (⊕^ c)) ⟷₂^ (⊕^ (⊕^ c)) ◎^ swap₊^

  hexagonl₊l : (swap₊^ {S n}) ◎^ ((⊕^ (swap₊^ {n})) ◎^ swap₊^)
    ⟷₂^ (⊕^ swap₊^) ◎^ (swap₊^ ◎^ ⊕^ swap₊^)

  hexagonl₊r : (⊕^ swap₊^) ◎^ (swap₊^ ◎^ ⊕^ swap₊^)
    ⟷₂^ (swap₊^ {S n}) ◎^ ((⊕^ (swap₊^ {n})) ◎^ swap₊^)

!!⟷₁^ : (c : n ⟷₁^ m)  !⟷₁^ (!⟷₁^ c) ⟷₂^ c
!!⟷₁^ swap₊^ = id⟷₂^
!!⟷₁^ id⟷₁^ = id⟷₂^
!!⟷₁^ (c ◎^ c₁) = !!⟷₁^ c ⊡^ !!⟷₁^ c₁
!!⟷₁^ (⊕^ c) = resp⊕⟷₂ (!!⟷₁^ c)

-- -- -- Equational reasoning

infixr 10 _⟷₂^⟨_⟩_
infix  15 _⟷₂^∎

_⟷₂^⟨_⟩_ :  (c₁ : t₁ ⟷₁^ t₂) {c₂ c₃ : t₁ ⟷₁^ t₂} 
         (c₁ ⟷₂^ c₂)  (c₂ ⟷₂^ c₃)  (c₁ ⟷₂^ c₃)
_ ⟷₂^⟨ β  γ = _■^_ β γ

_⟷₂^∎ :  (c : t₁ ⟷₁^ t₂)  c ⟷₂^ c
_ ⟷₂^∎ = id⟷₂^

!⟷₂^ : {c₁ c₂ : t₁ ⟷₁^ t₂}  (α : c₁ ⟷₂^ c₂)  (c₂ ⟷₂^ c₁)
!⟷₂^ assoc◎l^ = assoc◎r^
!⟷₂^ assoc◎r^ = assoc◎l^
!⟷₂^ idl◎l^ = idl◎r^
!⟷₂^ idl◎r^ = idl◎l^
!⟷₂^ idr◎l^ = idr◎r^
!⟷₂^ idr◎r^ = idr◎l^
!⟷₂^ linv◎l^ = linv◎r^
!⟷₂^ linv◎r^ = linv◎l^
!⟷₂^ rinv◎l^ = rinv◎r^
!⟷₂^ rinv◎r^ = rinv◎l^
!⟷₂^ id⟷₂^ = id⟷₂^
!⟷₂^ (_■^_ α α₁) = _■^_ (!⟷₂^ α₁) (!⟷₂^ α)
!⟷₂^ (α ⊡^ α₁) = !⟷₂^ α ⊡^ !⟷₂^ α₁
!⟷₂^ ⊕id⟷₁⟷₂^ = !⊕id⟷₁⟷₂^
!⟷₂^ !⊕id⟷₁⟷₂^ = ⊕id⟷₁⟷₂^
!⟷₂^ hom◎⊕⟷₂^ = hom⊕◎⟷₂^
!⟷₂^ (resp⊕⟷₂ α) = resp⊕⟷₂ (!⟷₂^ α)
!⟷₂^ hom⊕◎⟷₂^ = hom◎⊕⟷₂^
!⟷₂^ swapl₊⟷₂^ = swapr₊⟷₂^
!⟷₂^ swapr₊⟷₂^ = swapl₊⟷₂^
!⟷₂^ hexagonl₊l = hexagonl₊r
!⟷₂^ hexagonl₊r = hexagonl₊l

resp!⟷₂ : {c₁ c₂ : n ⟷₁^ m}  (c₁ ⟷₂^ c₂)  !⟷₁^ c₁ ⟷₂^ !⟷₁^ c₂
resp!⟷₂ assoc◎l^ = assoc◎r^
resp!⟷₂ assoc◎r^ = assoc◎l^
resp!⟷₂ idl◎l^ = idr◎l^
resp!⟷₂ idl◎r^ = idr◎r^
resp!⟷₂ idr◎l^ = idl◎l^
resp!⟷₂ idr◎r^ = idl◎r^
resp!⟷₂ linv◎l^ = rinv◎l^
resp!⟷₂ linv◎r^ = rinv◎r^
resp!⟷₂ rinv◎l^ = linv◎l^
resp!⟷₂ rinv◎r^ = linv◎r^
resp!⟷₂ id⟷₂^ = id⟷₂^
resp!⟷₂ (α₁ ■^ α₂) = resp!⟷₂ α₁ ■^ resp!⟷₂ α₂
resp!⟷₂ (α₁ ⊡^ α₂) = resp!⟷₂ α₂ ⊡^ resp!⟷₂ α₁
resp!⟷₂ ⊕id⟷₁⟷₂^ = ⊕id⟷₁⟷₂^
resp!⟷₂ !⊕id⟷₁⟷₂^ = !⊕id⟷₁⟷₂^
resp!⟷₂ hom◎⊕⟷₂^ = hom◎⊕⟷₂^
resp!⟷₂ (resp⊕⟷₂ α) = resp⊕⟷₂ (resp!⟷₂ α)
resp!⟷₂ hom⊕◎⟷₂^ = hom⊕◎⟷₂^
resp!⟷₂ swapr₊⟷₂^ = swapl₊⟷₂^
resp!⟷₂ swapl₊⟷₂^ = swapr₊⟷₂^
resp!⟷₂ hexagonl₊l = assoc◎r^ ■^ hexagonl₊l ■^ assoc◎l^
resp!⟷₂ hexagonl₊r = assoc◎r^ ■^ hexagonl₊r ■^ assoc◎l^

c₊⟷₂id⟷₁^ : (c : (O) ⟷₁^ (O))  c ⟷₂^ id⟷₁^
c₊⟷₂id⟷₁^ id⟷₁^ = id⟷₂^
c₊⟷₂id⟷₁^ (_◎^_ {m = (O)} c₁ c₂) = _■^_ (c₊⟷₂id⟷₁^ c₁ ⊡^ c₊⟷₂id⟷₁^ c₂) idl◎l^
c₊⟷₂id⟷₁^ (_◎^_ {m = ((S m))} c₁ c₂) with (⟷₁^-eq-size c₂)
... | ()

⊕⊕id⟷₁⟷₂^ : {n : }  (⊕^ ⊕^ id⟷₁^ {n = n}) ⟷₂^ id⟷₁^ {n = S (S n)}
⊕⊕id⟷₁⟷₂^ = _■^_ (resp⊕⟷₂ ⊕id⟷₁⟷₂^) ⊕id⟷₁⟷₂^

-- Pasting equations

_□^_ : {c₁ c₂ c₃ : t₁ ⟷₁^ t₂}
      (c₁ ⟷₂^ c₃)  (c₂ ⟷₂^ c₃)  (c₁ ⟷₂^ c₂)
α₁ □^ α₂ = α₁ ■^ !⟷₂^ α₂

-- -- -- 3-combinators trivial

data _⟷₃^_ :{p q : n ⟷₁^ m}  (p ⟷₂^ q)  (p ⟷₂^ q)  Set where
  trunc : {p q : n ⟷₁^ m} (α β : p ⟷₂^ q)  α ⟷₃^ β